Just in case someone is not familiar with the Trace, The Natchez Trace Parkway is a 444-mile road that has been designated as one of America's National Scenic Byways by the Federal Highway Administration. The most scenic of these byways are also designated as All-American Roads, and the Natchez Trace Parkway is one of only 31 All-American Roads.
The parkway offers multiple opportunities for enjoying fall foliage - scenic overlooks, waterfalls, streams, river crossings, historic sites, sunken roads and sections of the 200+ year-old original Natchez Trace. All of these spots provide ample occasions each year for inspiring photos.
While predicting the peak dates for fall foliage on the Trace is tough, the ideal window of time typically occurs from mid to late October in Tennessee, from late October to early November in Northwest Alabama/Northeast Mississippi, and from early to mid November in Central Mississippi.
This year's contest gives special emphasis to those photos that include the photographer's "ride" as well as the beautiful Fall colors on display on the Trace. Contestants are encouraged to show their car, motorcycle, RV, bicycle, pickup truck, jeep, horse, or convertible in the foreground, with some great-looking Fall Foliage in the background. Half of the twelve winning photos will be chosen from those including their ride in the photo and the other half only showing Natchez Trace fall foliage.
The 12 winners will receive $100 bed & breakfast gift certificates and their photo will be featured in a Natchez Trace Fall Foliage 2013 calendar! Each winner will also receive five of the calendars. Additionally, after the above winners are chosen, there will then be a public voting from the previous top 12 winners, and the top 3 winners will receive even more B&B gift certificates. Go to www.NatchezTraceTravel.com for all the details on prizes, when and where to see fall foliage information with photos from previous years, how to enter the contest and more.
About NatchezTraceTravel.com:
NatchezTraceTravel.com is a travel guide about the Natchez Trace Parkway and the towns and areas near the Trace. Travelers can find pictures, information and maps for each of the 90+ interpretative centers on the parkway as well as many of the major attractions located near the Trace.
NatchezTraceTravel.com is also the online home of the Natchez Trace B&B Reservation Service. The reservation service works with 40 B&Bs, cabins, cottages and historic hotels located near the parkway. For each of the lodging options the website provides information, photo galleries, guest room pictures, descriptions and rates, maps and area attractions. Free itinerary planning is available for tourists, bicyclists and motorcyclists online and at 800.377.2770.
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